The Latest News


New Sice multiporpose LED lantern

Sice is proud to announce the new multiporpose Sice LED lantern. The LS new signal light is the right solution for the marking of offshore structure as Windfarms, Windturbines, Tidal/Wave generatore fields and similar structures, temporary or fixed. Our Lantern with the same body/frame can be use as Marine Signal Light in compliance with IALA …


Aiuti e contributi pubblici: L.124/2017

In ottemperanza alla Legge 124/2017, La presente per comunicare che la nostra ditta SICE SRL C.F. e P.I: 020998304412, ha ricevuto dalla agenzia delle entrate (richiesta identificativo n° 20071334282077634) un contributo per la situazione covid 19 ART.25 DL N°34 DEL 2020 pari a €24.161,00 in data 23/07/2020.


Sice’s response to covid-19

Sice company is keeping open their activities to guarantee the best support to our customers all around the world in all the ways permitted by the law decrees established by the italian authorities. Our staff is alwayas ready to satisfy the customer requests.